Holiday Financial Safety Tips

Keep your holidays merry and bright with these tips to help you watch your wallet, shop wisely, and protect your personal information. Here are a few important tips for consumers offered by the Federal Trade Commission:
  • Make a list and a budget.  Look for the best deals by comparing prices and use coupons if available. Consider how much you’re willing to put on your credit card, and how long it might take to pay it off.
  • Do your research. Read reviews and recommendations about the product, seller, and warranties from sources you trust. If you’re shopping online, check for reports that items were never delivered or not as advertised.
  • Keep track of your purchases. Make sure the scanned price is right and keep your receipts. If you shop online, keep copies of your order number, the refund and return policies, and shipping costs. Have your packages delivered to a secure location. Treat gift cards like cash and keep them in safe place.
  • Online shopping? Pay by credit card. Credit cards can give you extra protection for most online purchases and many cards offer benefits, like protection for returns and purchases. If unauthorized charges pop up on your statement, you’ll be able to dispute those charges. Credit card protections can vary, so check with your issuer to understand all your card’s protections.
  • Buy gift cards for gifts, not for payments. Gift cards can make great gifts, but they’re also a scammer’s favorite way to steal your money. Anyone who contacts you and demands that you pay them with a gift card, for any reason, is always a scammer. Report gift card scams to the FTC at Learn even more at
  • Research charities before you donate. With the generous spirit of the holidays, make sure your donation goes where you want it to, not into the hands of a scammer. If someone calls, asking you to give to a charity, don’t let them rush you into making a donation. Instead, research the charity to make sure your donation counts. Visit to learn more.

Wishing you happy and safe holidays!

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