Posts in category News & Events
1099-INT statements are available online
1099-INT statements are included with December 2024 account statements.
Follow these steps to access:
1) Log on to It’sMe247 Online Banking
2) Sign up for eStatements
3) Go to Member Services > eStatements > Tax Statements
All IRA activity and loan interest will be reported on standard IRS forms and will be sent.
For assistance, please contact one of our offices 724-981-9410 or 724-342-2246.
Mercer County Community FCU Staff and Board Give Back to Community
Ending 2024, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union joined the CrossState Credit Union network to spread kindness in the name of CU Kind Day. CU Kind Day is a time for credit union employees and volunteers to come together and spread kindness and demonstrate the credit union philosophy of “People Helping People.”
“We were excited to participate in the spirit of CU Kind Day again this year. Employees, board and supervisory members were encouraged to give back to our community by volunteering or donating to a local agency or event,” said Sandi Carangi, CEO. “In turn, the credit union donated over $2,000 to non-profit organizations throughout the Shenango Valley.”
In the spirit of giving, 20 non-profit organizations benefited from this initiative. Credit union staff volunteers taught financial literacy classes and contributed to organizations such as libraries, performing arts, senior centers, animal charities, and other social services.
This is the second year in a row that the credit union has supported CU Kind Day. A photo collage was created to capture the many areas the staff and volunteers impacted with their time and resources while increasing credit union awareness and spreading kindness.

Holiday Financial Safety Tips
Keep your holidays merry and bright with these tips to help you watch your wallet, shop wisely, and protect your personal information. Here are a few important tips for consumers offered by the Federal Trade Commission:
- Make a list and a budget. Look for the best deals by comparing prices and use coupons if available. Consider how much you’re willing to put on your credit card, and how long it might take to pay it off.
- Do your research. Read reviews and recommendations about the product, seller, and warranties from sources you trust. If you’re shopping online, check for reports that items were never delivered or not as advertised.
- Keep track of your purchases. Make sure the scanned price is right and keep your receipts. If you shop online, keep copies of your order number, the refund and return policies, and shipping costs. Have your packages delivered to a secure location. Treat gift cards like cash and keep them in safe place.
- Online shopping? Pay by credit card. Credit cards can give you extra protection for most online purchases and many cards offer benefits, like protection for returns and purchases. If unauthorized charges pop up on your statement, you’ll be able to dispute those charges. Credit card protections can vary, so check with your issuer to understand all your card’s protections.
- Buy gift cards for gifts, not for payments. Gift cards can make great gifts, but they’re also a scammer’s favorite way to steal your money. Anyone who contacts you and demands that you pay them with a gift card, for any reason, is always a scammer. Report gift card scams to the FTC at ftc.gov/complaint. Learn even more at ftc.gov/giftcards.
- Research charities before you donate. With the generous spirit of the holidays, make sure your donation goes where you want it to, not into the hands of a scammer. If someone calls, asking you to give to a charity, don’t let them rush you into making a donation. Instead, research the charity to make sure your donation counts. Visit ftc.gov/charity to learn more.
Wishing you happy and safe holidays!
Annual Shred Day
We held our annual Shred Day on October 26. Members of the Credit Union board, supervisory committee, and staff were on hand to assist members as they brought sensitive materials to be shred. This event was held alongside CUKind Day, a nationwide event dedicated to spreading kindness and giving back to the communities where credit unions serve.

MCCFCU Receives Chamber Phoenix Award
We were so honored to receive a Phoenix Award at the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony!
Our Credit Union was recognized in the Growth Service category for:
- Construction of our new 10,000 square foot Hermitage office and $6 million investment in our community
- Providing local fire departments access to our former building to conduct fire safety training prior to demolition
- Donating a tree from our property to serve as the City of Hermitage’s Christmas tree in 2023
- Supporting and sponsoring a variety of programs and events throughout the community including our scholarship program and financial literacy initiatives
Thank you to the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce for this recognition! We look forward to serving our members and the community for years to come in our beautiful new office!

Mercer County Community FCU Contributes $5,000 to Junior Achievement
On June 27, 2024, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union contributed $5,000 to Junior Achievement (JA) of Western PA. With the help of this donation, made possible through a grant from the CrossState Credit Union Foundation, JA programming can continue to provide valuable lessons to hundreds of students in Mercer County area schools that promote financial capability, work and career readiness, and business ownership.
Mercer County Community FCU staff members volunteered during the months of June and July to teach financial literacy lessons to students attending the Buhl Park Summer Camp. Each week, elementary students participated in interactive sessions where they learned about money, the importance of saving and giving, and the value of work. “Introducing these early lessons on earning and saving money is important for the youth in our community,” said Sandi Carangi, CEO of Mercer County Community FCU. For more information about Junior Achievement, visit www.westernpa.ja.org.

Mercer County Community FCU Celebrates Grand Opening and Donates $2,500 to Non-Profit Organizations
In May, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union opened their new Hermitage branch and celebrated with a Grand Opening Giveaway. Five winners were selected from a drawing and each person received a $500 Visa gift card. To further display the credit union philosophy of “people helping people,” the credit union gave each winner the opportunity to choose a 501(c)3 non-profit organization for the credit union to donate a total of $2,500.
The organizations that each received $500 donations were:
Shenango Valley Urban League
Joshua’s Haven City Mission
Salvation Army
Prince of Peace
Folds of Honor of Western PA
“We made the decision to celebrate the grand opening of our new Hermitage branch with this type of giveaway as a way for our credit union to give back to our community,” said Sandi Carangi, CEO.
Mercer County Community FCU Receives Financial Literacy Award

On May 20, 2024, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union received a Leaders in Financial Literacy Award from the CrossState Credit Union Foundation at their Annual Convention. This award was presented to Mercer County Community FCU for their support of financial literacy by partnering with Junior Achievement of Western PA (JA) and sponsoring students from Mercer County to participate in the JA BizTown experience.
The JA BizTown program involved 167 fifth graders from Ionta Elementary School in Hermitage and started with classroom lessons on personal economics and basic finances. Students then put those lessons into action when they spent a day at the JA BizTown facility, an interactive mock town that simulates the various roles in a thriving community and helps students learn the reality of the business world.
The Financial Literacy Award included $2,500 to further support financial literacy in the community. Plans are already in place for additional students from local school districts to participate in the JA BizTown experience in the coming school year.
Also at the Annual Convention, Leah Beckert, Administrative Assistant at Mercer County Community FCU, was a top ten finalist in the CU Ambassador Contest with her project entitled “What You Didn’t Learn in School – Young Adult Savings Club.” The CU Ambassador program recognizes young adult professionals who present their ideas for credit union initiatives that would benefit their credit union and the community.
View the video from the awards presentation: https://vimeo.com/951247223?share=copy