Posts in category News & Events

Mercer County Community FCU Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for Hermitage Office

Pictured (L-R): MCCFCU Supervisory Members Karen Davis, Ruth Leone, and Sylvester Enos; MCCFCU Board Members Rick Titus, Donna Oliver, Dave Burich, and Laura Kubyako; PA State Representative Parke Wentling; MCCFCU Board Chairman Ed Zipay; MCCFCU CEO Sandi Carangi; Mercer County Commissioner Tim McGonigle; City of Hermitage Commissioner Bill Moder; City of Hermitage Economic Development Mark Longietti; and Dawn Shacklock, representing Congressman Mike Kelly.

On Friday, May 26, 2023, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union held a groundbreaking ceremony for their new Hermitage branch office, located at 559 N. Hermitage Road. In June, the credit union will begin construction of a two-story, 10,000 square foot facility. The new office will feature wider, easier access full-service drive-thru lanes, an expanded lobby area and a fresh, modern atmosphere. Additional loan and member service offices, and state-of-the-art technology will support financial services for the nearly 12,000 members.

At the groundbreaking ceremony, Sandi Carangi, CEO of Mercer County Community FCU, was joined by the credit union’s Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee, along with other business representatives and community officials. “We’re excited to celebrate with the community as we begin construction of our new Hermitage branch,” said Ms. Carangi.

While the new office is under construction, members of the credit union are being served at the temporary Hermitage office located in the Kohl’s shopping plaza and the Sharon branch on Sharpsville Avenue.

Mercer County Community FCU is partnering with PWCampbell, a design-build firm specializing in financial institutions for over 100 years. The project is expected to be completed in early 2024.

Mercer County Community FCU Provides Facilities for Fire Safety Exercises

Recently, Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union provided local fire departments with access to two of its facilities to conduct fire safety training. With plans to build a new Hermitage branch, Mercer County Community FCU recently moved its Hermitage operations into a temporary space in the Kohl’s shopping plaza. Prior to the demolition of the North Hermitage Road buildings, the credit union invited firefighters to conduct fire safety exercises in both buildings.

After filling the structures with fake smoke, members of the Hermitage, Patagonia, Sharpsville, Shenango, and Wheatland Fire Departments had the opportunity to practice maneuvering hose lines and conduct searches with zero visibility. Additional training included cutting holes in the roof for ventilation; breaching walls and ceilings to secure an escape route; and looking for concealed fires.

Mercer County Community FCU appreciates the support of area first responders and is proud to have been able to provide this opportunity for additional training. The buildings are set for demolition in the coming weeks making room for the construction of a new 10,000 square foot credit union office designed to serve its members more efficiently with spacious new offices and improved technology. 

Mercer County Community FCU Awards Scholarships to Area Students

Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union celebrated 66 years of service to its members at their Annual Meeting, held on April 15, 2023. This year, six Continuing Education Awards for local high school graduating seniors were announced.

The following students each received $1,000 Continuing Education Awards:

  • Hannah Beighley, Hickory High School
  • Ava Gargiulo, Hickory High School
  • Alexa Graul, Mercer Area High School
  • Ella Labbiento, Sharon High School
  • Makayla Moose, Lakeview High School
  • Tamera Slater, Farrell High School

Ten additional students received honorable mention awards in the amount of $100 each:

Jack Davis, Hickory High School; Kellen DeJulia, Sharpsville Area High School; Kaelyn Fustos, Hickory High School; Clare Howard, Sharon High School; Zac Lanshcak, Hickory High School; Alexa Meszaros, Hickory High School; Amaris Denise Newell, Sharon High School; Natalie Ostheimer, Sharon High School; Christian Saxe, Commodore Perry High School; and Lauren Taylor, Jamestown Area High School.

In support of continuing education for youth in our community, the Mercer County Community FCU scholarship awards began in 2000 and has since awarded over $110,000 to area students pursuing an academic, professional, or vocational post-high school education.

Congratulations to all the award winners!

Message from the CEO

March 15, 2023

In light of recent financial industry news, we want to take a moment to assure our members of Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union’s financial strength and commitment to our community.

  • As a member of Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union, you are an owner of our not-for-profit financial cooperative. Established in 1957, our credit union is committed to serving our community now and well into the future.
  • Our credit union makes your financial success and security a priority. We live and work in the community we serve. Our deposits come from our neighbors in the community who entrust their savings to us. Our loans go to local people and small businesses where we shop. We manage funds every day in a way that protects our members. Credit union members have never lost a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union.
  • Credit union deposits are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Your deposits are safe and secure, insured up to $250,000 per individual depositor – the same as any other federally insured financial institution (FDIC).
  • Please visit for more information about the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund coverage for consumers. 

Please call 724-981-9410 or 724-342-2246 with any questions. Again, your money is safe and secure with our credit union and protected up to $250,000 per individual depositor.

Sandi Carangi, CEO
Mercer County Community FCU

Mercer County Community FCU and Junior Achievement Present $10,000 Grant to Ionta Elementary School

Front row (L-R): Sophia Lewis-Bateson, Ionta student; Sandi Carangi, CEO, MCCFCU & JA board chair; Brody Smith, Ionta student. Back row (L-R): Dr. Dan Bell, Superintendent, Hermitage School District; Matt Ristvey, JA board member; Brad Mantzell, JA board member; Bill Lucas, Executive VP, JA of Western PA; Elaine Patton, MCCFCU & JA board member; Eric Horvath and Eric Trosch, Hermitage School District.

Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union in partnership with Junior Achievement of Western PA (JA) recently received a $10,000 grant from the CrossState Credit Union Foundation. Funds from the grant were presented to Ionta Elementary School in Hermitage, PA to be used for JA lessons and a day at JA BizTown in South Fayette Township, PA.

The JA BizTown experience begins with elementary students working through classroom lessons teaching personal economics, basic finances such as writing checks, applying for a job, and working in groups. These educational concepts are then put into action as the students spend the day at JA BizTown where they operate a credit union, manage stores, and work with their team to run successful businesses. 

A total of 167 fifth-grade students from Ionta Elementary will travel to South Fayette Township on May 10th and 11th to take part in the hands-on simulated community. Volunteers from the credit union, teachers, parents, and JA board members will also attend to guide the students throughout each day.

“We’re thrilled that students from our community will have the opportunity to participate in JA BizTown exploring various careers and learning valuable lessons in personal finance,” stated Dr. Dan Bell, Superintendent, Hermitage School District.

In addition to the $10,000 presented to Ionta Elementary School, Mercer County Community FCU and JA will be presenting matching funds for another $10,000 to Farrell Elementary School. These additional funds will be used to assist six classes of students from Farrell Elementary to visit JA BizTown in the fall of 2023.

For more information about JA Biztown and volunteering with JA, visit

TurboTax deals & discounts for credit union members

TurboTax deals and discounts, just for credit union members.

TurboTax Link

Mercer County Community FCU Provides Financial Literacy Lessons

Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union recently partnered with two local non-profit organizations to provide financial literacy lessons at the Prince of Peace Center and the Community Library of the Shenango Valley. Financial literacy classes, focusing on banking services, budgeting exercises, credit scores and fraud prevention, are available to area residents at no charge and are taught by credit union staff. Mercer County Community FCU is proud to provide educational classes to promote good financial habits to help members in the community.

Mercer County Community FCU Participates in the Lady Scouts Food Drive to Benefit the Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County

MCCFCU staff with donations for the Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County

Mercer County Community FCU Receives Marketing Excellence Award

Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union was recently honored to receive the Marketing Innovation Communication (MIC) Award for Best Annual Report. This award was presented by CrossState Credit Union Association, the trade organization that serves over 500 credit unions across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The awards for outstanding achievements in marketing and communications were presented at the Annual CrossState Evoke Marketing Conference held July 20, 2022.

The Credit Union’s 2020 Annual Report, with the theme of “Together We Serve You,” was produced last year, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The front cover featured individual photos of the Credit Union’s staff, board members and supervisory committee. This imagery exemplified the fact that the credit union continued to be present – even if virtually – to support members during the most unprecedented time.

Mercer County Community FCU is honored to serve its members and appreciates this recognition

Mercer County Community FCU Annual Meeting is April 12, 2025. Call for reservations.