Posts in category News & Events
Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union Receives National Marketing Award
Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union was recently honored with a 2022 Diamond Award by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Marketing and Business Development Council. Mercer County Community FCU received the Category’s Best award in the Annual Report category.
CUNA’s Diamond Awards recognize excellence in marketing and business development in the credit union industry. Credit unions across the country compete in multiple categories, ranging from direct mail to website marketing. This year’s Diamond Awards competition received 1,196 entries and presented 89 credit unions with awards.
The Credit Union’s 2020 Annual Report, with a theme of “Together We Serve You,” was produced during the COVID-19 pandemic and featured individual photos of the Credit Union’s staff, board, and supervisory committee members. This imagery exemplified that the credit union was present to support its members during the most unprecedented time.
TurboTax discount for credit union members
TurboTax deals and discounts, just for credit union members.
Switch between accounts feature available on mobile app
With a recent update to the Mercer County Community FCU It’sMe247 mobile app, members can now view and switch between their linked accounts. To utilize this feature, log into your primary account and tap on the Profile button in the upper-right corner to switch between your linked accounts.
A helpful tip: Set a unique profile picture to each of your membership accounts so that you have a clear view of where you are. Profile pictures are updated by using the “Personal Info & Settings” feature on the profile menu.
Contact a member service representative at one of our branches for assistance with It’sMe247 mobile banking.
Mercer County Community FCU Partners with Newtek to Provide Business Services
Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union is proud to announce that it has partnered with Newtek Business Services Corp. to offer a variety of business services to small business owners. Partnering with Newtek, Mercer County Community FCU can now offer the following additional services to credit union members:
- Paycheck Protection Loans (CARES Act – PPP)
- Business Lending
- Merchant Solutions
- Personal/Commercial Insurance
- Payroll, HR, and Employee Benefits Solutions
- Managed Technology
- Managed IT Solutions
Newtek (NASDAQ: NEWT) is a publicly traded business development company that has a long-standing history of serving the small business community across the United States. “We are excited to be able to offer these extended services to our business members,” stated Sandi Carangi, Mercer County Community FCU CEO. “It’s important to us that our members have access to the resources they need to support their businesses.”
Mercer County Community FCU is Proud to Offer the PENNVEST Homeowner Septic Program
Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union is pleased to be of assistance to the residents of the City of Hermitage who are in need of funding for the current homeowner septic project. We will assist Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency and PENNVEST with loan processing and funding.
This special funding program is available to eligible homeowners who need to:
- Repair or replace their existing lateral to a public sewer system.
- Connect an existing home to the public sewer system for the first time.
- Repair or replace their individual on-lot septic system.
Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union is a member owned, not-for-profit organization and we serve all of Mercer County. We are federally chartered and regulated by the National Credit Union Administration.
Information on the Pennvest Homeowner Septic Program can be found here or by contacting Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union at 724-981-9410. We look forward to serving you.
Mercer County Community FCU Recognizes the Work of First Responders
May 7, 2020: Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union is pleased to be one of several participants in the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce “Support Our Valley Initiative.” Mercer County Community FCU was honored to recognize the work of our first responders by providing lunch to the City of Hermitage and City of Sharon Police Departments in the month of April.
“Mercer County Community FCU commends our first responders for their commitment and service to our community. Purchasing food from local small businesses and providing lunch to our first responders during this crisis is a small gesture to show our great appreciation for their ongoing devotion to the citizens and businesses of our community,” said Sandi Carangi, CEO of Mercer County Community FCU. The Shenango Valley Chamber initiative has been providing lunches to healthcare workers, police, fire and other first responders in the Mercer County area during the months of April and May.
Tips for Our Credit Union Members
Unfortunately, there are people who choose to try and exploit others during difficult times. We recommend you read the National Credit Union Association Fraud Prevention Center tips on how to protect yourself against scammers.
Fraudsters are leveraging fears over the coronavirus as an opportunity for new scams. Please be on the lookout for the following scams that we have been made aware of:
- Individuals and businesses selling fake cures and tests for COVID-19 online and engaging in other forms of fraud.
- Phishing emails from entities posing as the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Malicious websites and apps that appear to share virus-related information to gain and lock access to your devices until payment is received.
- Seeking donations fraudulently for illegitimate or non-existent charitable organizations.
Additional information on coronavirus scams can be found on the Federal Trade Commission’s website.
The IRS urges taxpayers to be on the lookout for scam artists trying to use the economic stimulus payments as a cover for schemes to steal personal information and money. Please remember, the IRS will not call, text you, email you or contact you on social media asking for personal or credit union account information. Also, do not open attachments or click on links claiming to have special information about economic stimulus payments or refunds.
If you think you are a victim of a scam or attempted fraud involving COVID-19, individuals can report it through:
- The National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721 or via email at
- Report it to the FBI at
- If it’s a cyber scam, submit your complaint through
- Contact your local law enforcement
We care about you and want you to stay safe!